Howdy!!! Welcome to my Crafty World of paper, stickers, glitter, glue, pens, buttons and bling. I am always amazed at the wonderful scrappers I connect with on-line. Such creativity and imagination. I love that in a sometimes, greedy world, these awesome, kindred spirits, not only share their crafty-goodness, but they share tips, techniques and sales!!! I hope to share my projects as well. Thank you for visiting my blog... Much love to my fellow scrapbooking addicts! :)
It would great if you would follow my blog as well and any comments are very much appreciated! :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Who Needs a Card?

HOWDY my Friends!!! I hope everybody is keeping warm... The weekend seems to be more promising with some really nice weather... well, for us in the valley at least! PLUS, it's SuperBOWL Sunday!!! Should be great!

Here are some more cards that I've recently made in the last few days. I used the same papers, just in different patterns and such to make them all a little different from each other. I also made cards using my scraps cuz I just don't like wasting my paper.
My friend Ana fell in love with this card. It's for her boyfriend. They are too cute together!

This week, I even organized my scraps by color. It is SO much easier to find the color I need- especially if it's just a little piece without having to cut a brand new paper. AND, sometimes, I find different textures and get more ideas!

I had a card that I had received from work. I liked the shape and made a template.

Yes, that is my handwriting inside. :)

This one came out too cute!

I haven't re-taken a pic with the new bling. oops.
I added more bling to this card. Seemed a little dark, even to me. :)

Who doesn't like flowers? This is a sure way to keep them all year round! :)

I really like the way this stamp works on this card.

This was bought for a very special mom. I hope she likes it.

Thank you SO MUCH for visiting today... Become a Follower! :) 


  1. these are some great cards, Vero! i love your style! and...i am really digging the background for your blog!

  2. thanx! i appreciate it. i love the background too. i wish i knew how to design these too! one thing at a time though :)
